But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Happy Half Birthday, Noley Poley!

My little man is 6 months old!

I can't believe we're half way to 1. Everyone always tells me, "It goes fast!" And it definitely has. Whenever I look at newborn pictures, I have a hard time remember his tiny self. 

Nolan is eating solids. His first real food was banana. Since then he's had carrots, butternut squash, pears, and apples. I've been using my magic bullet to make all of his food, and it's so fun to try new things! It took him the longest to warm up to the squash. 

This is what happens when Dad is feeding him! 

Nolan had his first Christmas. It was pretty much a regular day for him, but he looked so cute in his Christmas pjs. He did love wrapping paper! 

Nolan had to road trip with me and my parents down to Orlando, Florida for a competition. He did awesome in the car! And he did pretty great at the hotel, too. I didn't get much sleep, and Nolan definitely missed his crib!! But he was such a trooper!

Nolan is really into reading now. Just kidding. He does enjoy when we read to him, and he really like this squishy book to chew on. Nolan is a very efficient roller and can get pretty much wherever he wants by barrel rolling. There have been no efforts to crawl. And I'm quite okay with that. Not ready for him to be that mobile!

He's still a pretty happy boy. Among the things that make him really happy would be pulling my hair, jumping in his jumperoo, lots and lots of singing, tags of any sort, and being throw in the air. 

Speaking of happy, this kid still loves his changing table. He can usually be found flapping his arms, kicking his legs, and squealing with delight. I don't know what it is about it, but he seriously loves being on the changing table. 

Adam has been working really hard to get Nolan to start saying Daddy. He's getting pretty good at producing a Dada. Not sure it's intentional though. He's also got the mamamamama down. Again, I'm pretty sure it's not intentional. 

Does it get cuter than this?! I don't think so. Nolan loves when we sit him up like a big boy and put this blanket on him. He likes to hide under it, too. Adam is an amazing dad to Nolan. I love watching them together, and I'm so thankful that Nolan has an involved, caring, and hilarious dad. 

Can we talk about how long this kid has gotten?! Oh. My. Word. I haven't taken him to the doctor yet, but WOW!! He's so big! 

This boy fills my life with great joy and can bring a smile to my face no matter how frustrated or tired I may be. His laugh is absolutely adorable. It's my favorite sound in the whole world. He is such a blessing and delight! I'm so thankful God gave him to us when he did. Happy 6 months, little boy! I love you forever. 

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