But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Monday, June 2, 2014

10 Months

Nolan is 10 months. Ten. And now that we're back in Georgia, it is really hard for me to do these monthly updates because everyone who reads this is probably seeing him regularly. But, I kind of like having a record of it all. 

Nolan got a cold that lasted nearly 3 weeks. And I was not. a. fan. He was generally his happy self, but we battled congestion for weeks. Weeks, people. 

This kid figured out how to climb the stairs in about a day. He loves them. He's a speedy climber. If he's fussy waiting for dinner, we just put him on the stairs and let him climb. 

This little boy LOVES being outside. Something we're still getting used to is the heat down here in Atlanta. We used the kiddy pool as we eagerly awaited the opening of the neighborhood pool. [note: his hair looks very light in this picture. It's really not that light]

Nolan tends to eat pretty ravenously. Which I love and appreciate. He still prefers pureed food to finger food. I'm hoping when he gets some more teeth, we'll make some progress in the self feeding area. 

He did eat his first kids meal at Chick-Fil-A. He ate most of his grilled nuggets, the applesauce, and I even let him have some watered down lemonade. 

Taking pictures with this bear is getting nearly impossible. Nolan is quite the active guy and talks almost nonstop. 

I always sign and say "all done" after meals. He skipped the signing and started saying his own version of "all done." It sounds like allduh. Sometimes when I get him out of his crib from naps he'll also say, "Allduh." Pretty cute. 

He's a joy!! I can't believe we're almost to July. It can't be possible that a whole year has almost passed since he came into the world. Alas, we are almost to his birthday. 

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