But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

11 Months

Nolan's 11 months. I'm going to have a 1 year old next month. This has been an incredibly fast year, and I admit that I find myself looking through old pictures to remember Nolan's smallness. Because honestly, he just seems like such the little boy that remembering him as a tiny baby can be a struggle. 

Nolan is getting to experience this Georgia summer in all of its hotness and humidity. We've had many trips to the pool. Some days he likes it. Some days he doesn't. 

Nolan stands by himself now. He can stoop down to pick something up, stand back up, and repeat as needed. He'll walk holding onto furniture, and he's taken a step here and there. But he really seems quite content with the speed in which he can crawl. 

He's also clapping now. Which is very, very cute. We've been watching the World Cup, and when it shows the audience clapping, he'll start clapping, too. 

If you say, "Nolan, can you bow?" He'll start bowing his head. This trick has really evolved over time, but we really, really love it. Nolan also shakes his head, "No." He'll shake his head when he doesn't want to eat something I'm offering (annoying!), and he'll also shake his head to get a laugh out of people. 

Nolan celebrated Adam's first Father's Day. These two are so cute. Nolan lights up when Adam gets home or walks down the stairs. He loves his Daddy. I do, too.

Nolan got sick again. He was also teething. It made for a particularly rough week of eating when these two coincided. It was a real struggle. But since that week, Nolan has decided to be opinionated about his meal time. My ravenous, eat anything in sight baby can sometimes be a stinker now when it comes to eating. I'm trying diligently to get him off baby purees, and it's nothing short of a sanctifying process. Nolan can put away a Chick-fil-a kids meal, devours fruit, loves hot dogs, eats Cheerios anytime anywhere, and still enjoys yogurt everyday.

Nolan experienced his first beach trip. It took some time, but he eventually enjoyed the sand and water. He didn't eat as much sand as I thought he would, which was a pleasant surprise! 

Nolan's current loves are: balloons (with all his heart!), balls, dogs, climbing the stairs, picture books, baths, and anything that means going outside. 

My sweet boy is turning 1 next month. Can't hardly believe it. 

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