But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

There seems to be an overwhelming amount of bad things in the news lately. With the speed and volume of which news is reported, it's easy to become desensitized to the content. Not to mention, there are biases and agendas in almost every article, one can be distracted by those things instead of the issues at hand. 

The ISIS crisis, the ebola outbreak, the mayhem in Ferguson-- these are all lives we're talking about. Not just numbers and statistics. The situation in Iraq and Syria makes me so incredibly sad and sick. When I think about those moms and dads over there feeling helpless in protecting their children, I want to weep for them. I don't know the desperation, the violence, the hatred they are facing. I cannot fathom trying to survive. I cannot possibly guess what words and emotions fill their cries to God. I can often plead nothing more than, "Lord, please have mercy." 

At church on Sunday we sang the song Forever by Kari Jobe. It's a good song. It talks about Christ defeating death forever. Forever. And that forever He is lifted high. And I think about all of the heartbreaking situations all over the world. I think about mamas holding their lifeless children. I think about villages wiped out by disease. I think about empty bellies that haven't been filled in days. I think about the oppressed, the forgotten, the enslaved, the dying, the captured. And I wonder how hard it would be for them to sing those words. 

The Lamb has overcome, like the song says, but we are certainly waging war against darkness. And it seems to be getting darker. And heavier. 

But Jesus lives. The cross happened. There will be an end to all of this. 

I desperately want to see the Light start suffocating the darkness. I know Who is victorious. I know how this story ends. Oh that Jesus's name would be lifted on high! That the hope of glory would rise like the sun. That hearts would turn to Jesus. 

My heart is heavy. It leaves me wanting heaven to invade Earth. 
Jesus, come. 

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