But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

2 Months Old

I'm not sure it's a bad thing, but it feels like it's been a very long time since my 1 month post. VERY LONG. Time is so complex and weird. In the same hour I can think, "I can't believe Isaac is only 2 months old," only to later think, "He's growing up too fast!" 


He's 2 months old. 

This sweet bear is sleeping through the night. Sometimes I even have to wake him up at 7. Other times he's up around 6:45. I do like the sleep, but I wish I had known when it was my last time feeding him in the night. I probably would've held him all night. Now, I'm totally assuming he'll still wake up in the night here and there. Nolan did that too. But it's not the same. I do absolutely love his first morning feeding and that first wake time. We're usually all by ourselves in the family room, and it's our most wonderful cuddle time. He'll lay on my chest, wide awake. I treasure it. 

The smiles- oh my gosh. I love them. I'll work ridiculously hard to get one from him if I have to. He is most smiley when he's supposed to be eating. He'll nurse for a little bit, and then stop to just smile and smile and smile at me. I don't love that it takes him FOREVER to eat, but honestly, he doesn't often get my undivided attention. So, I feel like he deserves some Mama time even if it's while he should be eating. 

Does this kid seem incredibly long or what?! When I weighed him a couple of days ago he was 12 pounds, 10 ounces. Almost up a full 5 pounds from birth. He continues to be a pretty laid back baby. Really, a very laid back baby. He does get easily overstimulated which affects his sleep. It's hard to keep overstimulation from happening at family events, of which there have been many lately. 

Isaac gets hiccups every day. He used to get them after every feeding, but he is doing better. Sometimes I'm able to nurse them out of him, but he gets them while nursing; so you see how this can turn into a vicious cycle? 

We have left both boys in the care of my parents twice for evening outings.  Getting both of them down is no easy task, but they did it!! Isaac has no problems taking a bottle from other people. But last time I tried to give him a bottle, he gagged and acted like he'd never done it before. 

Overall month 2 with Isaac was fun. He seems like more of a person now that he's smiling and interacting more. I did get mastitis, which did nothing for my feelings on breastfeeding. But I've recovered, and I don't hold it against Isaac. A surprising thing- Isaac still isn't great with a paci. Sometimes he'll suck on it hard, but other times he acts like he's so unfamiliar with the concept. 

I'm so torn about how time is progressing (as I've already mentioned). I know that I really love some of the baby stages coming up, but I am sad that his tiny-ness is leaving. I'm excited to see Nolan be able to enjoy Isaac more, but I look back at pictures from his first 2 weeks and wonder if I cherished them enough. I kept telling Adam that I wasn't wishing away the newborn stage, but I know that I love what's coming. It's so odd, this mommy gig. I take such delight in my boys' growth, but I know there's no going back. Isaac won't be like this for long. And as much as I want to stop and savor it, life is still happening. 

Adam and I looked back at pictures of Nolan as a baby, and my heart ached a little bit. And I'm sure it was for multiple reasons. These days and months and years are fleeting. Oh how I want to love my babies well! 

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