But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Monday, August 24, 2015

4 Months Of Isaac Dean

This baby of mine is growing so fast! 4 months old- as in we're already a 1/3 of the way through his first year. HOW?!?! 

Our munchkerdoo is sitting in his bumbo like a boss. He's also playing in his exersaucer. He's not super strong in the neck area yet, so it's kind of exhausting for him. But he no longer lays in the hammock for long periods of time because he's so eager to sit up. 

This Isaac man is NOT a cuddler. Insert: very, very sad face. I'm hoping there are some Isaac snuggles in my future, but right now, he's far to curious and squirmy. BUT every once in a while, he'll settle into Adam's chest. Insert: annoyed face.

This porky is 16 pounds, and he's wearing 6 month clothes. I haven't been to the doctor for the 4 month well check, so I don't know where he is percentage wise. I do think he's slowed down lately. 

Isaac is generally the most laid back and easy going baby ever. But he's been in the thick of a "Wonder Week." They're developmental growth spurts. This one is typically the longest and most disruptive of them all. He's been a little less easy going and his sleeping has been a little more unpredictable. But still nothing worth complaining about. This kid was napping like clockwork prior to this wonder week hitting. It's not quite over yet, so I'm just going with the flow right now. Doing all of this a second time, I usually can tell myself, "It's not a big deal." Sometimes I still let my feathers get ruffled though. 

Oh the chunky baby stage!!

I've started the process of dropping the swaddle. I HATE this process. HATE!! Isaac has been such a great sleeper for the most part that changing things up is a terrifying idea. But he's rolling now, so I know it needs to happen. I keep telling myself that before I know it this too will have passed. He is also in the process of dropping that 4th nap. He takes it a few times a week. He can manage skipping it if I can then get him down for the night close to 7. 

Isaac is laughing more and more. He is very ticklish. He loves talking. Oh my goodness, this little boy is a talker! He's got a lot to say, and he doesn't really care who is listening. 

Isaac is starting to be awake longer, drool tons, and attempt to be more interactive with the world around him. We are headed towards some serious fun stages, and I love watching him grow and change and come into his own. We see a lot of brother shenanigans in our future! He still however is not great at taking a bottle, keeping a paci in his mouth, or being a pleasant car passenger- not a fan if the car isn't moving. 

People thought we were crazy to put our kiddos so close together. But honestly, I can't imagine a better fit for our family. My Isaac Love is precious and a delight. I'm so glad God entrusted him into our care! 

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