But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Monday, July 27, 2015

2 Years Old

I find Nolan's monthly updates to be so helpful as I go through this first year with Isaac. But I think there's going to be a day much, much later that I'll enjoy reading these updates about my once little people.

Last week, Nolan turned TWO YEARS OLD!!! We are all done with the baby years. I may have been a little sad about this the night before his 2nd birthday. Shocker. 

Nolan's favorites foods: hotdogs, Chick-fil-a grilled nuggets, meatballs, watermelon, blueberries, oatmeal, tater tots, and a variety of cookies. 

Nolan takes 1 afternoon nap that lasts 2-3 hours. He goes to sleep between 7:30-8:00. When he wakes up in the morning varies, but he stays in his crib until 8 happily. 

Some of my favorite things that Nolan says: 
Nonee  (Nolan)
No Nank a new (No thank you)
Happy Day (Happy Birthday or any celebratory day)
Watch lions (his way of asking to watch Lion King)
Isaac mad (kindly lets me know this whenever Isaac is crying)
Nonee's song (Nolan's song which is Whom Shall I Fear by Chris Tomlin)

Nolan's favorite things to do: jump off the ottoman, play with his cars, line his cars up, race his cars, play soccer, play basketball, run anywhere and everywhere, and play with Ryann and Alee.

Nolan is so expressive, so energetic, and so happy. He does clam up in front of a crowd or new people. He's started to string more and more words together. But I honestly love the way he talks right now. He's so cute with his broken english. 

Nolan weighs 29 pounds and is 35 1/2 inches tall. He's in the 75th percentile for height and the 55th percentile for weight. Which is interesting. He feels really heavy; I would've guessed those percentiles to be switched. 

This little boy loves books, is obsessed with diggers and tractors, and still thinks the zoo is the bees knees. He'd watch Lion King or Kung Fu Panda everyday if I let him. His new favorite thing is taking a bath with Isaac, which is utterly adorable.

Nolan is seriously irresistible. Everywhere we go people comment on his amazing curls. It's crazy that he didn't have them a year ago. Thankfully, he still has some yummy cheeks on him.

Nolan is so much fun. Though he has his fair share of time outs for being disobedient, this 2 year old stage is usually hilarious. He makes me laugh so much everyday. I love him so much and love being his mom. I can't imagine the fun this 3rd year will bring. 

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