But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Happy Day!!

My Nolan Man,

You, my little love, are two today. TWO. I can hardly believe it's already time to celebrate your birthday again. Though you are so much different than the little baby who could barely walk a year ago, you still have the sweetest round cheeks and most adorable big eyes. Your smile can light up any room, and your laughter can soften the hardest heart. 

Watching you grow this past year has been a roller coaster. I love seeing you grow in independence and your curious self explore limits. But I also know the clock is ticking. The days of your little hands reaching up for me to hold you are numbered. Though you can absolutely.wear.me.down. with the number of times you call for me in any given hour, I know I'm going to miss it one day. 

You are a ball of energy, Nolan. You a runner and jumper by nature. You express excitement with the biggest expressions on your face. You have a love for life that is contagious. You make me pause and be present in the little moments because you find them to be so awesome. You are a joy bringer, Nolan. 

Your two year old self still loves balloons. You happily play with any and every ball. You eat hotdogs like a champ! You love music and hearing Mommy sing. You enjoy animals and love the zoo. You can listen to the same book read over and over and over. You are absolutely crazy about your cousins and hug them incessantly when you're around them. 

You make life so much sweeter, Nolan. Your growing interest in Isaac is precious and perfect. I don't ever tire of hearing you say, "Morning, Isaac." I get a smile on my face just thinking about the big brother you are and will be to him. 

I love you so much, Nolan. More than you'll ever know or understand. I cherish these times we have together. When I grow frustrated with your stubborn stand offs or your picky eating, I remind myself that these days are going so quickly. I adore you and take great delight in being your mom. The nights I get to put you to bed, I savor every second of cuddling you. You will always be my baby boy, but you are definitely a toddler now. I love watching you grow and seeing life through your eyes. There's nothing you could do to change my love for you. I'm crazy about you, Nolan. And I love celebrating wonderful you today!

Happy Day, sweet boy!


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