But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

3 Months

Another month marker for our little Isaac. He's getting chunkier and happier. And we're growing more and more fond of our littlest boy with each passing day. Even Nolan is enjoying him more!!

Isaac doesn't have much hair left. He's definitely got a very defined bald spot at the back of his head from moving his head while he sleeps. I'm so, so curious to see what color his hair will be as it grows back. 

The little nugget went to the doctor last week for his 2 month check up (a little late...it's how I roll). He was 14lbs, 1oz and 25in long. Those stats put him in the 80+ percentile for both weight and height. He got his first round of vaccines too. He had a mild fever and some poor napping, but otherwise, he handled them like a champ. 

We had a whole week at the lake at the beginning of this month. All the cousins together for 5 days was so. much. fun. Isaac did just dandy. He slept a lot. But it's exciting to think about these 5 and summers to come. 

Isaac is turing into such a social boy. He loves when we talk to him. He loves smiling back at us. His little legs kick with genuine excitement whenever he gets undivided attention from us. It's so cute! Anytime I have to wake him up, he smiles as soon as his eyes focus on me. I mean, seriously? That's adorable. 

Isaac is really finding his voice these days. He'll talk and coo and squawk. The doctor was actually very impressed with his social skills and predicts he'll be an early talker. How they can predict things like that I just don't know. 

With they way the boys' schedules work out, I get one on one time with Isaac twice a day. It's still just the two of us at his first wake time, and then once Nolan goes down for his afternoon nap, Isaac and I have almost another full hour together. I'm so thankful I get uninterrupted time with my sweet baby. He's growing so fast! I love having time to treasure him. 

Isaac still takes 4 naps a day, but I think we're getting very close to dropping that final cat nap before bed. Things that still surprise me: his hiccups (getting better but still happening at least once a day!!!), the struggles with the paci (come on, man!! Take the paci!!), the way he rarely demands to be fed, and the bottle-- still not great at it, but he's actually started to take it from me better than other people. 

It's crazy to think that next month I can start offering solids. WHAT?! I don't know that I'll start right away, but it just seems crazy that we CAN start that at the end of next month. 

We're savoring the snuggles and enjoying the littleness of our baby. He'll be on the move before we know it!! 

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