But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Monday, September 28, 2015

F-I-V-E Months

This is late. But it's because I've been waiting to take Isaac's picture with the bear when we had good sunlight in the apartment. And well, that pretty much hasn't happened in a week. 

This guy...he's so stinkin' happy. I don't know how we managed to end up with 2 happy babies, but we have! And I'm grateful! At his 4 month check-up, Isaac was just over 17lbs and 26 inches long, putting him in the 90th percentile for both height and weight. Way to go, buddy!!

So, I decided I would introduce solids to Isaac much sooner than I did with Nolan. And not to anyone's surprise, he has not been all that interested. I'm not pushing it because I know eventually he will eat solids. As previously mentioned, I'm not a huge fan of breastfeeding. Isaac apparently very much is!! 

Remember how I said I was dreading the process of losing the swaddle? Well, it's been a doozy. I've been at it for a month, and we've made no progress. I'm about to just abandon ship and lose it all together. We're still doing one arm out for 2 out of 3 naps. Those naps are consistently short. My current hunch is that he's going to just have to learn to sleep on his tummy when I lose the swaddle. He's fully swaddled for the big nap and all night. 

This sweet nugget has been waking up super early to chat and then head back to sleep until normal people wake up. The wake up usually happens somewhere between 5:42-5:52. It makes us think something is waking him up. On the mornings that he doesn't wake up in that window, I still do wake up. Isn't that fun for me? 

Isaac is happy, chatty, and seriously the most delightful little jumper you've ever seen. We got him a jumperoo, and he is so happy in there. He loves to jump while Nolan jumps which leads to a gigglefest. Again, how did we end up with 2 boys that are obsessed with jumping?? Isaac is also into pulling my hair, chomping at his bottom lip, laughing at Nolan, baths, and grabbing whatever he can when he's in the bumbo. 

He's not into sleeping with his arm out, being buckled into his carseat, and that's kind of it right now. Man! How lucky am I?! 

I know my pictures aren't so great. And it's making me realize that most of the pictures of our kiddos are on Adam's phone. Which isn't a great place for them. I'll backfill with his bear pictures later. 

Here's the pictures...

This kid is looking HUGE. The thighs....oh the yummy thighs! 

If that's not a beautiful baby, I'm not sure what is. 

Yes, they are really brothers. It's hard to tell right now. 

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