But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Half Birthday!

6 month post just a week late...not too shabby. 

Isaac has been here half a year?! WHAT?!?! We're marching ourselves downhill towards his 1st birthday? Man. I can't believe it. But yet I can. When I look at pictures of our family before Isaac was born I ask myself, "What did we do with ourselves before Isaac?" 

Isaac is eating solids 3 times a day. And usually, he eats them like a somewhat normal person. He rocks and moves A TON, but he's mostly gets the food off the spoon and swallows. Huge accomplishment. He's eaten bananas, apples, pears, squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, prunes, peaches,and green beans. Up until this point, I was making only some of Isaac's food. I couldn't handle all of the time it takes to have him just spit it out. I don't know how I'll proceed at this point. 

The little guy is COMPLETELY DONE WITH HIS SWADDLE. One night I heard weird noises, and I found him facedown while swaddled. That did it for me. Since then he's been completely out of the swaddle and into a sleep sack. The first full night in the sack was R.O.U.G.H. But since then, he's been mostly great. And naps are getting better and better. 

I personally want to do a big ol' victory lap, since I've made it to 6 months nursing Isaac. I don't know how much longer I'll keep going. It feels good to have reached this point, and I can't decide when I'll switch to formula. I'm down to 4 feedings a day, and I still pump once at night for a top off before Adam and I go to sleep. I'm eager to be done with that, but we move Isaac from our room to the living room every night before we go to bed. So, when he gets picked up, he immediately starts sucking, ready for the bottle. 

Isaac is a crazy good jumper, and he'll happily jump in his jumper the entire time Adam and I workout. Lots of jumping. He also loves to pull hair, roll all over the place, scoot backwards, and get up on all fours and rock back and forth. He's so close to being on the move. Hold me. He LOVES Nolan. LOVES! He's so happy when his brother pays any attention to him. Even if it's just to yell at him. 

Isaac, you fill our days with lots of smiles and giggles. Your loving admiration of your brother makes my heart melt. I could kiss you all day every day, and it would never be enough. You are the perfect fit to our family, and I love every inch of your being. Being your mama is one of the greatest joys of my life. 

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