But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Monday, November 23, 2015

7 Months


How in the world is my sweet baby 7 months old?? 

Isaac Dean is crawling. CRAWLING. Once he figured out how to propel himself forward, the crawling happened about 15 minutes later. He is oh so happy with his crawling. It's bittersweet for me. He is just as content as can be crawling all over the place, but he also is not so content being held. 

Is this impressive or what? He tends to smear his food as he gets more and more done with his food. So, while a nightly bath used to be optional, they kind of are necessary now. I didn't introduce many new foods since last month. He's had yogurt and puffs. Oh and I made him the avocado/banana puree that Nolan loved. And he's a fan too!

Um. Seriously? This is so rich. This is one of my new favorite pictures of Isaac. He's big, but this is deceptive. He's not that roll-licious. But the yumminess of this picture--mmmm!! I love him!

Isaac often sleeps on his tummy with his booty in the air. Or he also likes to sleep on his side. Both positions I find absolutely adorable. 

Oh and Isaac has been sucking his thumb off and on. I much prefer a paci, but this is so.stinkin.cute. He doesn't do it to self soothe. He does it randomly. I don't want this to become a habit, but I find it so ridiculously cute. 

This kid is so crazy about his big brother it makes me smile. Isaac is genuinely happy when Nolan so much as looks in his general direction. He absolutely lights up at his brother's attention. Now that he's mobile, he's into all of Nolan's toys. And Nolan is having to adjust. Big time. 

Isaac is still nursing, but I can say with a lot of confidence that at his 8 month post, he'll be completely done. He nurses 4 times a day (with supplements as necessary), takes solids 3 times a day, and he gets a bottle before Adam and I go to bed. He's taking 2 2hour naps each day. He typically sleeps 7:30-7:30, and I love everything about his current schedule. Which I can only assume means things are about to get messed up. 

Isaac is living up to his name as he is FULL of laughter. He can struggle in the 6:00 hour before bath, but honestly, so can I! :) What a gift this little guy is to our family! I'm so thankful for him and his sweet self. He likes to lean his head into mine when we're facing each other. Come on! That's sweet! I just love everything about him. He's even doing better in the car- yay! Still not a paci sucker- boo! 

An 8 month old sounds significantly older to me. So, I'm going to hang onto this 7 month age for the whole 30 days!

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