But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Crazy 8 Months

8 months. Two thirds of his first year--done. Sometimes I'm sad, but he's soooooooooooo much fun. So, that helps. 

He still has blue eyes. And I still think that they will change at some point. I know, I know- they are so blue. And they are beautiful. I love them. I just can't believe they will stay. His hair is getting darker, and I think his eyes will follow suit. I'm more than okay with being wrong. 

Isaac went to Disney. He loved it. No, not really. He was seriously the BEST baby while we were there. His morning nap was a joke each day, since we were at the parks. And he handled it like a champ. He got a good afternoon nap each day, and once he we got home he went right back to his regular schedule. He's a good boy like that. 

Isaac got a cold including some pretty annoying congestion. This led to some hard times with nursing. As in, he started refusing to nurse because he couldn't breathe. So, as predicted, we're done!!! We were completely done about a week after Disney. Thankfully, I still have some breastmilk in the freezer, but my stash is almost gone. For the record, I do NOT miss nursing. I love bottle feeding. And I still snuggle my little man just as much as I did before. 

This is one area that I look back on with Nolan and want to change. And what I want to change is the shame and embarrassment I felt from switching to formula. I wish I could tell that Marissa, "You are not a failure! Just because you aren't nursing doesn't make you less than or not enough or a quitter!" Because that's how I felt. You know how I feel now? Just plain happy with my happy baby. 

Isaac is going to be such a tough guy because Nolan is SO ROUGH with him. Oh man. I can't count how many times I say each day, "Isaac needs space, buddy!" 

This is still the cutest thing ever to me. A side sleeper AND the thumb- it gets me every time. EVERY TIME. 

Issac is still taking 2 naps. He gets 4 bottles a day, each of them either 6 or 5 ounces. He gets solids three times a day. He refuses to pick up food and put it in his mouth. He just bangs the tray until all of the food falls off. Now, when he finds a piece of paper or trash or mulch on the floor? That makes it to his mouth no problem. Go figure. 

Isaac looks huge, right? I didn't take his 7 month pictures with the bear. But he looks HUGE to me. I mean, his onesie alone is bigger than the bear. Those thighs are the best. I could squeeze them all day. 

Isaac is so fun! His personality is coming out so much. He's a speedy crawler! He loves eating. He loves my hair. He laughs at Nolan so much. He super loves his sippy cup but cannot for the life of him get anything out of it. He got his new carseat, and that seems to be helping in the car. I think he can see Nolan better, and he's much more entertained. He did not have said carseat for the road trip to Orlando, and it was a real struggle coming home. 

I can't wrap my mind around the fact that he's going to be 1 in less than 4 months. I'm enjoying where we are right now, and I'm kissing those cheeks and squeezing those thighs! Oh, I love this baby!!

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