But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Friday, July 29, 2016

3 Years Old

I really thought the hardest times of taking the pictures with the bear would be in the first year of life. Wrong again.

He was such a stinker about doing this. Oh, he wanted to do it!! But, he didn't want to cooperate. At all. Which is kind of a snap shot of 3 year old Nolan.

Nolan is in fact 3 years old. He loves swimming in the pool, doing art projects, helping jobs (like setting the table), reading books (loves!!), being independent yet completely dependent all at the same. He is FULL of energy, enthusiasm, and is still one of the most expressive little people I've ever seen in my life.

I've often wondered what this year of life would've looked like without Isaac. I have ZERO regrets that we had another baby so close, I mean, how could we do life without Isaac Dean? But it proved to be a lot on my Nolan man. I'd see glimpses of the most endearing and heart warming bonds forming between these two. And then in a snap things could swing the other direction. Nolan does love Isaac, but he still has some growth in learning how to be kind in the midst of frustration. Which is totally fair in my opinion!

However, his cousins? He loves Ryann and Alee with the most loyal kind of love. They are truly his favorite people outside our home. And even then, I sometimes I wonder where Isaac falls on the list. He takes such delight in being with them, and it's just plain precious to watch. I think as Valor gets older a major switch is going to happen in the dynamics of all the cousin relationships.  So, I'm enjoying these days of his sheer joy in those girls. 

Nolan's favorite foods are hotdogs, cornbread, watermelon, blueberries, cherries, basically every fruit. He loves when I make spaghetti and meatballs. He still does not like cupcakes with icing on them. He's finally eating quesadillas and even scarfs down chips and salsa. He eats waffles almost every day for breakfast. And he does really like Menchie's frozen yogurt.

Nolan is often hesitant to try new things, and he can easily get worked up when he feels insecure. Like at the beach or when we went to Disney. We pray a lot for God to make us brave when we feel scared. You can hear him say, "Go away, fear. RAWWWWRRRR!" Because he needs to roar at his fear, obviously. 

Nolan still loves animals and the zoo. We go often, and he never, ever gets tired of it. He still loves lines, and he'll line things up in stores like pictured above. He loves going to Babies R Us to do hug and enjoy these animals. He's such a silly boy.

Every.single.night. that I put Nolan to bed this past year I sang, "Let It Be Jesus." Every night. Which means, he knows the word, "acclaimed." No clue what it means, but he can sing it at the right time. He can be such a creature of habit. When he first started asking for this song, it sounded a lot like JeJe, the beginning sound of Jesus. And now, well now, sometime his incessant talking and question asking makes us need a moment of silence. 

Nolan's a pretty great kid. He's pushing boundaries and pushing buttons, but it's all part of being a 3 year old boy (so I'm told). He's getting so big, and my mushy mom brain can't really process it all fast enough. A year from now I could be getting him ready for preschool. WHAT?! 

Oh man, 3 years old, Nolan Alex. How did we get here so quickly? 

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