But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Happy Birthday, Nolan!

Nolan Alex,

My crazy boy, how are you turning 3 today? How have we landed on July 20th so soon? I cannot understand the way time goes so fast yet so slow.

Yesterday we played a board game together, and I was struck with just how crazy it was that you could understand the concept of a board game. It made me excited and sad all at the same time. The thought of actually filling some of our time with board games sounds so fun! But it's just another reminder that you are taking great strides towards being a big boy. 

Man, Nolan, I love you so much. I love being your mom. I love watching your imagination develop and your excitement for all of the things. I love that you are conquering fears and growing in confidence. I love that you really enjoy crafts and being creative. I love who you are becoming.

But sweet little man, let me tell you what. You and I have had it out on some days. You are headstrong, and you have pushed back and challenged authority. Gone are the days where everything Mommy says is right. You have found your voice, and you use it. I have been frustrated and discouraged by your strong will at times. It's truly remarkable. But you know what. Years down the road, I can see how that can be used for good. 

I can see that God can redeem that about you and use it to fight in the right ways. To fight for justice and call for righteousness. I can see you stand firm in your beliefs and hold fast to Truth. And lifting my eyes from tunnel vision has been a game changer for this Mama. I see the man you can become, and I love it! I want you to be strong. I want you to say, "No" in the right circumstances. I want you to be sure of who you are.

Nolan, you are my treasure. You are funny and full of energy. You light up any room with your smile and laughter. You carry joy with you, and I love that about you. You take such delight in welcoming people into our home, and I absolutely adore that we have this in common. You are quick to pray for other people. And you are just plain quick. There is simply not enough daylight for you to possibly get all of your energy out. You have recently discovered how happy it makes you to be a helper, and I love looking for ways to let you do just that. 

I'm very aware that there are big shifts happening. You ask me to hold you less. You don't come sit with me nearly as often. You are becoming more and more independent. It's exactly what should happen, but it makes my Mama heart ache a little bit. I miss your little body next to mine, so I've come to savor the requests to be held. You are just getting bigger, buddy.  I know it's a good thing. But some days, I have to catch my breath. Because I'm realizing too late when I should've relished a "last" with you. Last time you fell asleep in my arms. Last time you grabbed my face and said, "Watch lions!" Last time you asked for "one more."

Nolan Alex Tomberlin, I love you. I like you. I enjoy you. And I'm proud of you. I'll keep telling you that every night before you go to sleep. 

Happy Birthday to the boy who made me a Mama! Let's make this year the best year yet! 


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