But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

2 Years Old

I kept waiting and waiting for good light to take pictures of Isaac with the bear, and this morning I said, "Forget it! I'm doing it now!" So, the lighting isn't great, but I didn't want a whole month to pass by before getting this done.

At Isaac's 2 year check-up he weighed a few ounces shy of 30 pounds. I forget how long he is, but the doctor thinks he's going to be a big guy. I have a hard time envisioning it, except the kid can EAT! 

It seems fitting that Isaac's name means full of laughter because he is indeed FULL of laughter. And he's filled our home with laughter. Of course, no one makes him laugh quite like his brother can. Isaac calls Nolan, "No-no," and the day before Isaac turned 2, he said, "Nolan." I had actual tears in my eyes, but he switched back about 2 minutes later. 

Isaac was quite the Mama's boy this past year. He does adore his Daddy, but given the choice, he's going to pick his Mama every time. 

This kid- loves to eat! He loves the Cheetos that are pictured above! We only got Isaac 2 things for Christmas. A ball and that bag of Cheetos. He was so happy about both! He loves meatballs and pasta, hotdogs, just about all fruit, and is a pretty fantastic veggie eater, too! Isaac is generally willing to try anything I put in front of him, and I LOVE THAT about him! He can inhale something I made for dinner, but when I give him the leftovers for dinner a couple of days later, he's not so impressed. 

This guy is still sleeping in a crib with no plans to move him. He often goes BONKERS in his crib, and I just can't imagine him in a bed. He's a great sleeper, but ever since he started sharing a room with Nolan, he's been such a crazy guy! Jumping, falling, kicking, etc. He thinks it's hilarious. 

Isaac loves throwing rocks into water, dogs, getting very muddy, playing baseball, swinging, petting babies, and doing anything Nolan is doing. He's a great little communicator and has definitely started asserting his will often and loudly! And as he strings more and more words together, Nolan is finding that Isaac is standing up for himself more. 

 Isaac is a sweet boy who made having a one year old the absolute best! I'd happily do it all over again. But we all know that never happens, so I push myself to savor the 2 year old that he is. 

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how I missed this post, but I did. It made me smile as I read it. I have enjoyed getting to know precious Isaac a little bit better. I love watching him interact with others. He is so FULL of love for those in his life. You can see him communicating such love and affection, simply by his expressions (mainly with his eyes) towards those that he loves (all three of you of course, but the extended family as well). He has such a sweet spirit about him and such Light. He is gentle with others as well. It's a good thing that he already is learning how to stand up for himself. Yay, Isaac! That's a God thing. I really do find it a joy to just observe Isaac with others. And, I have to add, I absolutely LOVE his genuine hugs of affection! He hardly ever sees me, but he always gives me such great hugs (and looks in my eyes either before or after the hug, with that love that is so evident in his heart). Certainly warms a heart! <3
