But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Sweet Baby Nemo

Before too much time passes, I wanted to be sure to make a note of the sweetness that has been sharing the news of our baby with Nolan and Isaac. 

I had a check-up on Valentine's Day. At that point I was 15.5 weeks pregnant, but we still had not told the boys, wanting just one more confirmation that baby was alive and well in there. Our plan was to tell them that night.

We had breakfast for dinner, a family favorite around here. Like we did last year, we sent them each on their own scavenger hunts to find their Valentine from us (a book). We brought them downstairs, and told them we had 1 more surprise and gave each of them a small wrapped package. Inside they each found a Falcons onesie. Confused by how small their new gear was, we told them that those onesies were actually for the baby growing in Mommy's tummy. 

Isaac gasped and walked immediately over to my stomach, wanting to see the baby. There were lots of questions and general excitement, and they were all in all very tender and sweet about the fact that there's a baby joining our family. Picturing those two big boys coming to the hospital to see their baby brother or sister about did me in. I continue to hang in this balance of asking the Lord for a healthy baby and knowing His will is not always (rarely?) my will, but it IS always best. 

After we enjoyed the news of a baby coming, we let the boys watch Finding Nemo, their favorite Valentine's Day treat of all. And pretty much since then, Adam and I have been calling the baby Nemo.

In the weeks that have followed, there has not been a day that has gone by without those little boys praying for the baby growing in my belly. When we first get in the car each day we always pray together. I pray for everyone in the family, and then everyone gets to pick someone to pray for. Nolan has picked the baby every.single.day. And Isaac has also picked the baby probably 90% of the time (and the times he didn't, he chose Sammy). 

On Mondays we check to see what size the baby is and wonder out loud what that baby is doing in there. I can feel the baby move, but no one else can yet. They are VERY eager for their turn. My belly is certainly looking pregnant now, and both of them will walk up and just stare at it. Yesterday the boys caught the tail end of my workout, and Isaac asked, "Is the baby doing that, too??" 

While I imagine there are some struggles to come with having a bigger gap between Isaac and this next one, them being older and able to better understand what's going on has been very sweet to be a part of. When Nolan wasn't even two, he did not care one bit about brother on the way except for all the ways Isaac disrupted his lap space as my belly got bigger and bigger. 

Next week we get to find out if it is a brother or a sister in there. I'm thankful that I'm 100% confident that they will be happy with either. Just like their mom and dad. 

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