But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Isaac Turns 7

 I could gush about this kid for a while. (pictures to be added later)

Isaac stayed at the same school for kindergarten and even got to have the same amazing teachers that Nolan had for kindergarten. He thrived!! He was a natural leader in the class, and his teachers often commented that they never had to redirect Isaac to make better choices. He learned to read and continues to show that he has a math brain with how quickly and easily he's picking up basic concepts. Nolan will be jealous. It was a really special year, and he was quite sad to say goodbye to his teachers and classmates. 

Isaac is a ferocious athlete! His tenacity is going to make him a very desirable player, in my opinion. He tried basketball for the first time, and he crushed it! We had to literally yell to get him to stop shooting and pass the ball. But he made so many dang shots, it was hard to get him to stop. He played spring soccer, and he did so well on the field, too. He just is fearless and attacks. We truly love watching him play sports. 

Isaac continues to be the Tomberlin kid that has a people pleasing streak at home. Nolan absolutely does at school, and so does Isaac. But I can see that Isaac really does want to make us happy and do the right thing at home. He, however, also likes to point out when his siblings are NOT doing the right thing. He is quick to help. Quick to say sorry (usually). Quick to see a need and try to fix it. He's got a tender heart and it shows up at home. Anytime I bake something, which let's be honest- is a lot, he says that he loves it. I'm not always sure that he does, but he knows that I want to hear him say that. 

Isaac will be headed to the same school as Nolan next year, our public school. He's a little nervous about it, but he has the advantage of knowing all of the neighborhood kids. Nolan didn't have that. I'm nervous for this big change for him, knowing that he's sensitive and sweet, but I know that he will adjust. It will be a long day. Isaac typically sleeps more than Nolan, and I imagine the 6:15 wake up call will be brutal on him at first. 

Isaac- 7 years old. He's so easy to love and enjoy, and I'm thankful I get to be his mom and cheer him on as he grows more and more into the person God made him to be. 

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