But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Friday, October 28, 2011

I Have A Reason To Sing

This has been a challenging week at school, but I try to remind myself all the time that I have so much to be thankful for. I love Hillsong's song Desert Song. It says repeatedly that in every season, God is still God. Period.

Though everyone told me the second year of teaching would be remarkably easier, I have found this to not be true. Yes, it's easier to do lesson plans. Yes, crafts come much easier. I know what they are generally capable of and how much time things take to accomplish. I know to e-mail parents back the day they e-mail me. The logistics of teaching are much easier. But my schedule and my classes are both much harder this year. I think back to last year's class, and I tear up a little.

Each day, I drive home and think of all the reasons I have to sing- all the reasons praise can come forth from my lips.

But this is a discipline. I was literally in tears with Adam two nights ago, as he prayed over me regarding all things discouraging at school. It's easy to focus on the chaos, the frustrations, and the differences, but I must recognize the reasons to sing.

I coach 14 amazing young ladies, and this is a rare privilege. I am deeply blessed to have them in my life. One of them actually just brought me a coffee. She said, "You seem stressed. So, I just wanted to do something nice for you." Richly blessed.

Cute preschoolers are a part of my job.

The parents from my preschool classes last year are throwing me a wedding shower tomorrow morning. They are excited and eager to celebrate this time with me, and that blesses me significantly.

Have I mentioned I love my church? Because I love my church! I hope we can establish a delightful community there.

In 50 days, I'm marrying the man that I'm deeply in love with. He makes me want to love Jesus more. He cares for my heart and tolerates my ridiculousness. And almost as importantly as the Jesus thing is the fact that he makes me laugh. A LOT!

My family is awesome.

Just so we're clear, it's a half day at work right now. Instead of working on progress reports, I'm just sitting at my desk. My eyes are burning because I'm so tired.

I have so much to praise God for. Even though I'm still struggling to find a rhythm at work, I have a reason to sing. Even though my cheerleaders can be sassy and demanding, I have a reason to sing. Even though I'm exhausted a lot, I have a reason to sing.

I will bring praise.

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