But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Robbed and Showered and Housed

So. Exciting news in the life of Marissa and Adam.

My house got robbed on Friday. They broke in through the glass doors on the main level, and they did a quick sweep of both levels of the house. Thankfully, I wasn't the first one home after the break in. I came home to cops on my street and one of my housemates outside the door.

A laptop, camera, jewelry, and cash were all stolen. The cash was mine, and it was a significant amount. As in, the laptop, camera, and jewelry did not add up to the amount of cash stolen. I know. WHY did I have that kind of cash in my house? Long story.

My room was ransacked. The other girls'rooms were clawed through. It was an eventful Friday.

I was most upset about the stolen cash. Shocker.

The next morning, I was blessed to have my preschool parents throw me a shower. All of the parents from last year's class came and a few from this year's class came too. It was at the same house of the people who had me over last spring and loved me in such meaningful ways. I wish I had taken pictures of the decor because it was simply wonderful. She does everything 100%! The little girl from my class last year got to stay, and she was cute as can be.

She loved handing me the presents. She begged me to move in with them, saying, "I always wanted a sister!" Too cute! Of all the presents I received that day, the one she made was by far my favorite:

She painted that canvas. It took her 2 hours on the practice run and 2 hours on this one. I love it so much. It will definitely be hanging up in our home! I was showered with love, gifts, praise, and prayer. It was a great time of fellowship right after a disturbing evening.

Oh! And there's Adam. Looking thrilled about all of the presents taking over his apartment.

What a man! We also put money down on a townhouse. Sadly for me, it's in Bothell. We will be leaving the city, but it's a good compromise for now. I'm just pumped to have a place that will be ours. I get to move in right after Thanksgiving, and I'm so excited!! Partly because I just want out of my house. Mostly because I know that it's going to be our home.

What a weekend!

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