But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Trust and Thanksgiving

If I could sum up the season we're in right now, it would be with the words Trust and Thanksgiving.

We trust that God is faithful, and we're so very thankful every time that He shows us a glimpse of His heart for us.

Last week, the brakes on my car sounded awful enough that we decided to take it in to our mechanic. And when I say awful, I mean Adam would drive with his hand on the emergency brake because at any given point, it sounded like the brakes were going to just stop working.

Our mechanic didn't charge us for any labor. Did I mention that we are dearly loved by some families out here?! Still, I wrote a check for $558. I winced, even as I typed it. The very same week, we got a check out of the blue from someone for $500. Did I mention that God is faithful and trustworthy?! And we are humbled and very, very thankful.

We trust that God will provide for us, and we are so thankful to have such a Good Provider!

I was notified that someone gave money to my PayPal account, we received gift cards for Valentine's Day from our parents, one of my team teachers regularly treats me to lunch or random surprises, and the blessings seem unending.

On Saturday, we were calculating our expenses, looking at money coming in, and shrugged, knowing that we have no choice but to look Jesus. Sunday's message was about dissonance- when what we expect doesn't line up with what we experience. The main example? Unemployment. We're told to work hard in school, so we can get a good job after college. Well. That formula hasn't worked (And I just don't even fit in that formula). But there's others. Get married and have kids. What if you can't get pregnant? So what now? What do we do with the dissonance? How do we allow these seasons of dissonance to deepen our intimacy and mold us into beings who are relying on Jesus and trusting Him with our disappointments, confusion, and frustration. They showed a video of 3 different men sharing their journey through unemployment.

We had a time of singing, and as I stood, crying (it's kind of my thing these days), I knew that I needed to really allow the Lord to have total freedom in me in this season of dissonance. Because in my head, I've got money in savings, our parents aren't going to let us starve, etc, and if I didn't have these things, I would probably be FREAKING OUT on a regular basis. But really, God is my Provider. He is my Sustainer. He is my Source. And Adam and I could be in this season far longer than we realize, but through it, God will shape our character, cultivate intimacy, and call us deeper in our relationship with Him. And this is what we want.

So, we do trust Him, but we want to trust Him more. He gives us plenty of reasons to be thankful and acknowledge His faithfulness time and time again. We still want to be generous givers, even when we have little. Because Jesus is always going to be enough.

Trust and thankfulness. We might be here a while! And that's okay!

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