But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

March Madness

It's March.

I can hardly believe it.

In devotions on Tuesday, the person leading said, "I'm pretty sure we only have 66 school days left to influence these kids for Jesus."

There was a moment of shock for all of us. 66 days. That's like 12ish more school weeks. I'm not sure where time has escaped to, but it's time to put the pedal to the metal in preschool.

Adam and I started our newlywed small group on Wednesday. We really like our small group leaders; they did our premarital class at church. We're up to share our story(ies?) this Wednesday. Leaving group on Wednesday, we pondered how it is "our story," but it just seems like a short story. Because our one-ness is still really new. Much of our story right now, is the journey we both took prior to us becoming "us." Anyways, we're both excited to connect with these other couples and do life with them.

But it's had me realizing how much Adam has changed me. My sister said it well at our wedding reception that I went from a super independent- I can do this myself-don't mess with me- girl to accepting the covering, protection, and companionship Adam offered. Now, I still think I can do a lot of things by myself, and I get frustrated with Adam when he offers assistance on silly tasks that I'm CLEARLY capable of. To which he has to continually remind me that he's not offering help because I can't do it but simply because he loves to help. I'm still a work in progress.

March is also my only month off from coaching. But I confess, I've started designing camp clothes, looking at team shoes, and mapping out the 2012-2013 season. Our award's night is March 12, and then my dream team will officially cease to exist.

And TRUE March Madness will be in full swing in my house. Adam and I have been able to watch most of the UK games online, and I have been fully sucked into their season. I got up at 9 this morning to watch their final game in regular season, only to realize the game is tomorrow. I do love watching UK play, and it's nice that I get to jump on board with my husband's team who just happens to be #1 in the country! Go Cats!

Adam is at a clinic this weekend, so last night one of the preschool teachers invited me to hang out with her and her kids since her husband was going to be gone too. They came into my room at 3:45, and her little boy, whom I taught last year in the 3s class, was insisting we leave. I told him that I needed to go home and change first. He said, "No! You don't need to change. You look beautiful right now. Let's go!" Sweet boy. It kind of made my day.

That's it for now. Excited for March!

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