But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Weekend Recap

We had 7 straight days of sunshine this past week. It was wonderful.

We've been house sitting for going on 10 days now. It has helped us come to 2 conclusions: 1. We are not ready to have kids. 2. We don't ever want to share our bed with an animal.

Anyways, we got to go away for a night, and two of my cheerleaders covered our house sitting duties. Adam lovingly arranged for us to go to Passion Vancouver on Friday. We left pretty much right after work to make it there by 7:30. We knew we'd hit traffic, but we didn't know that border control would add 40 minutes to our commute. Lame.

We ran into Passion 30 minutes late (because of the border delays) and very hungry and missing the UK game.

But there's something about walking into a packed arena, filled with people lifting high the name of Jesus. I can't do anything but pause and take in the beauty of the it all. I remember how overwhelmed I was at my first Passion experience back in 2006; I was instantly excited for heaven.

I wanted my seniors to experience this, too. I consider myself a product of the Passion movement, a part of the 268 generation. It was at that Passion in Nashville in January of 2006 that I first felt compelled to make Jesus' name famous. I remember Piper's message on God being passionate about His glory, and this was mind blowing for me. I remember Louie's message about whether you're making designer jeans or serving in a 3rd world country, your life should point to Jesus.

Passion isn't even known out here. It makes me sad, and if Passion returns to Vancouver next year, I'd love to take my high school seniors! It took stepping into that environment Friday night to remember again how foreign that environment is out here.

Anyways, we stayed in a hotel Friday night, so we could enjoy Vancouver on Saturday. Which- Vancouver is beautiful! It kind of seems futuristic, yet it's right in the middle of these gorgeous and huge mountains. Our room faced the water, and it was so beautiful. We went to breakfast, walked around, and drove through downtown. It was so fun.

The drive back was so pretty, too! Picturesque. Border control took a long time, yet again! It was refreshing to be gone even for 1 night. There's something about going away, and I'm not sure what it is. But I'm so thankful we got to do this.

And Sunday we watched UK play fantastic and beat Baylor for a spot in the Final Four. March Madness has been so fun! I will be sad next week when it's all over.

AND we purchased tickets to go to Haiti in June. We're committed to being globally minded, so we're going! My friend and her husband are leading the trip, and we kept joking about going on a trip together. And we realized the dates worked. We had no reason (except money) not to go. So, we're going! I'm pumped!!!

It was such a great weekend. I love spending time with Adam, and it makes Monday mornings NOT my favorite. Rolling out of bed and getting ready for work just makes me long for the weekend all over again. But I'm determined to not live weekend to weekend.

Remind me of that on Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. I still so believe in you and all He is going to continue to do through you! I am happy for you and proud of you! Love you - miss you too!
