But He said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Friday, July 6, 2012

DIY #2

I don't think I've ever posted three times in a week. 

In an effort to put off all of the things I should be doing, I've been doing quite a bit of crafting. And painting and creating is good for me right now. 

I made a painting this week that is currently framed and hanging over our kitchen table, but it's not that great. So, no need to show a picture of it today.

Remember our door that we turned into a headboard? Well, I bought a smaller door the same day, knowing I could create a decorative item with it. Adam helped me think through how to hang it, and then naturally, he executed the actual mounting process.

So, this is hanging over our fireplace. And yes, I adjust it quite frequently because it always looks crooked to me. 

But we love it.

I have another project idea, so I experimented with chalkboard paint to make that chalkboard sign. I'm a fan! And I have A LOT of chalkboard paint left. 

And that little boy in the middle of the line up? That's Ovens. We want him to be a Tomberlin. Desperately. 

DIY Project Numero Dos: Success! 

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